Antsy and snappy

Antsy. As if there were a crazed creature inside scratching at the walls of my interior.

Snappy and reactive.

Knowing myself, the diagnosis is fuel, food. Quality calories after a hard morning training session.

And a few deep and mindful breaths. Finding the calm in the chop.

When we were babes in arms, and our world experience had not yet learnt to differentiate nuance of discomfort, the solution as a parent was either food, sleep, soothing, a nappy change, or address pain of unknown origin.

As adults, we might begin with this when our mood swings off steady.

We might respond to other adults in their stage of snappy and antsy with the same foresight. Begin with healthy calories, soothing and a few deep breaths.

Antsy and snappy back to antsy and snappy creates more of the same. Funny that. A bit like war and vengeance, which is antsy and snappy on steroids.

A few deep breaths. Repeat.

December 24th 2018

Photo taken December 24th 2018