We are born for a reason

We are born for a reason. The angsts and the mystery is that we may never know the reason.

Imagine that if, instead of teaching children that they are special, and in so doing, baking in elements of narcissism and superiority, we teach children that their unique gifts, combined with their all-of-life experience, dark and light, are towards a contribution to the health, or disintegration, of the whole.

That they matter. Not as discrete individuals, but as part of the whole. 

Photo taken August 30th 2020

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About Christine McDougall

Creating a world where Syntropic Enterprises are the way we do business. Leaving everything better.

As the Founder and Chief Steward of Syntropic.world – Christine works with leaders and enterprises globally who have a commitment to being the pioneers of enterprise change. Christine has the ability to completely re-imagine business, its role in our world, and its potential for a future for all humans. She experiences a deeper level of truth through applying synergetics (Buckminster Fuller’s anticipatory design science) and the working laws of Universe to enterprise design and human co-ordination. She has a way of articulating this so others can see it as well. Christine questions the most basic assumptions that drive our complex systems and can map that back to what is needed today. To learn more visit www.syntropic.world