Syntropic World Founder and Chief Steward










Christine McDougall


A Thirty + year applied student of 

R.Buckminster Fuller

Inadvertently introduced to Bucky in my mid twenties, and luckily able to study his work intensely over 7 days in the early 90’s I have  recognised Bucky as my main mentor. I have applied his models to teams, human co-ordination and enterprise design for over thirty years.

“You continue to astound me with your deep insights. You truly are one of Bucky’s most brilliant heirs. Your mind is amazing. Thank you so much for continuing to express yourself so clearly. You are a light in the dark that surrounds us in space and time. “

Brilliant! Thank you. 
Cherie Clark, PhD in Bucky’s 12 Degree’s of Freedom

Sign up for Christine’s weekly Syntropic Article – Sunday Syntropy

I write a daily short contemplation + Pacific Sunrise photo – Now into its seventh year. Subscribe here.

Guiding Principles


*All of my work starts with Integrity. Easy word to say, hard to live by, even harder to build a life and enterprise with integrity as the foundation. To be able to go to sleep each night knowing that you have lived the highest expression of your integrity…this is to have a good sleep.

*I build models and maps. I help others build models. I like to co-build models most of all. “Argue with the model,” said Bucky. I am most passionate about building new models that make the old obsolete. I have built models of organisational design that enable people to thrive as they co-create world changing projects together, without human upset and entirely self managed. Read an example of this in The Trust Manifesto of Syntropic Enterprises. The result of 30 years of model building. It works.

Book Christine to Speak

Dynamic and Provocative


I am alive on stage teaching, speaking, challenging. I speak of all things Syntropic. Integrity. Steward Leadership. Synergy. Clean Communication. Evolutionary Purpose.

‘To hear Christine McDougall speak is to witness a unique mix of passion and integrity. Christine brings decades of life experience combined with an amazing skill set that has come from a beautifully diverse ecosystem of experiential and diverse study and interest. The work of Buckminster Fuller is the holding space for what has emerged through Christine in the form of Syntropic World. We are all indeed being called forth, in our own unique way, to midwife a world with a future into being. Christine helps to give you an architecture for that emergence’.

Nikki Thompson Soil2Soul.


The Conscious Company Article

Perhaps instead of saying It’s time to burn it all down, but how do we do that, and how do we rebuild it, we should start asking how we can benefit the most people, value the most contributions, and work towards our 100-year goal of a truly Syntropic world? Yes, 100-year goal – not Q3 goal. Syntropic looks well into the future and thinks about the cost of everything (the cost to the earth, humans, government, and more).”

Christine speaks to the Cambridge Greens, UK

Explore my daily blog: Beauty of Beginnings

Balming with love

Balming with love

Making others wrong for wanting justice for all. Or standing for equal rights and dignity.

Resorting to violence, or balming with love.

Christine speaks about Syntropic World

Graduates representing Countries

We have to start with the whole


RE- Design Business + Remember Who We Are


In 2019 I was fed up. Fed up with morally bankrupt leaders and broken systems – so I started a movement that would strive to leave everything touched, better. This idea, this evolution, this intentionbecame Syntropic World.

It’s a completely new take on business. No more rearranging the deck chairs. We are building a whole new boat for the success of 100% of humanity, Earth and all her creatures without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.

Syntropic World is creating business for a world with a future. A world where integrity, multiple domains of value, human connection and well-being are honoured on the balance sheet.

The greatest exponentially technology available is the human mind working together synergistically. But how do we create ecologies of synergy – where we are better together? And how do we have these ecologies of synergy become normal operations rather than the exception?

How do we reconnect with the unique Pattern Integrity of who we are, for when we bring our gorgeous uniqueness to our work and lives, in deliberately designed ecolgies for synergy, around a purpose we all deeply care about for a world with a future, we can do impossible things regularly.

Zero exploitation. Zero extraction to extinction. Zero colonisation.

Towards a Syntropic World.

My path to here 

Under a Big Blue Sky

R. Buckminster Fuller has been my main mentor since my mid twenties. As an ongoing student of his work I speak systems, design and the geometry of relationships and integrity with fluency.

I was one of the global founders of the Coaching Profession in the 90’s. I was the first non USA Board member of the Global Board of the International Coach Federation (ICF) holding this role for five years, in the final year as Vice President. I was the founding President of the Australasian ICF, setting up the Chapter system in Australia and around the world.

I have worked within the corporate, leadership, startup and future of business space with 100% focus since 1998 – in the early days as a coach, then evolving to create and lead businesses, partner with teams worldwide and mentor leaders who are creating a whole new kind of world.

In 2013 I pitched Sir Richard Branson an idea around his book, Screw Business as Usual.

This pitch led to the creation of a world class event, Big Blue Sky, in 2015 and 2016, in my local city, to convene multi sectorial members of the community, plus a few provocateurs from around the world, to co-create solutions for the future of our city.

‘The greatest exponential technology is thoughtfully designed human relationships’ Christine McDougall

Books & Publications

Communications skills

Speak the Truth

How to speak with truth with compassion. A 7 step process.

Business design

How to Start a Syntropic Enterprise

A practical workbook covering the initial critical elements of how to start a Syntropic Enterprise

Trust Manifesto for Syntropic Enterprises

Coordinating people around a purpose they care about is never easy. This is a powerful document/agreement that enables diverse teams to co-create enterprises with elegance. No matter the size of your enterprise some form of Trust Manifesto is critical if you want human synergistics, where we are better together.

Photos from my life. My partner Tony. My daughter Natalie. Writing Beauty of Beginnings from the back of our van. Our dog Milly.