Get your rebel on

What have you rebelled against in the past and what are you rebelling against now?

Running in the dark on the coldest morning of our winter this question was posed.

I have always rebelled against a form of authority that told me what to do without any rational context. Authority as muscle. Authority as bragging rights. Authority to reinforce a false sense of power for those who suffer an intrinsic sense of powerlessness.

Today I rebel against injustice. The disqualification of any human for their birthright, origin, access.

I rebel against those in seeming positions of authority who believe they have the right to diminish others.

If I look long in the mirror I have to confront the truth that I have diminished myself in my own eyes. I too have, in my earlier years, been the authority seeking the joy of the power over another. Finding out that it was a false joy, designed to prop up my own sense of insufficiency. The work has been to witness my sufficiency and value.

To rebel against is to be part of the change we need to be. I was reminded yesterday that in the thick of apartheid, Maggie Thatcher called Nelson Mandela a black terrorist.

Today, on the day a nation celebrates Bastille, get your rebel on.

July 14th 2018

Photo Taken July 14th 2018