How quickly we forget all rights come with responsibility
It was that kind of morning in my little corner of the Universe. A cloudless horizon as the air temperature drops below 10C. The ocean more lake-like in its behaviour. And my swim (yep…call me crazy..) the visibility so good, 4 spotted sting rays and many fish, to cap my sense of awe.
Beauty. She just gets you to pay attention to her billion-plus-year plan. Reduces me to a spectator stumbling for words.
And yet, simultaneously with my few hours in the anteroom of the Cosmos’s majesty, a world breaks.
How can that be…that my cup of beauty is saturated beyond capacity to hold, while others, so many others, are caught in centuries of injustice. Neglect. Irrelevance. Violence. Discrimination.
What I know….know as a mind-body being kind of knowing…is that with my lucky-country-of-birth ‘rights’ also comes a ticket that says…I am responsible.
That to claim rights, to claim privilege, without also acting with responsibility for that privilege, my rights, is to be the equivalent of the tantrum-throwing child who didn’t get his way.
What is my responsibility? To be sure to never ascend to some platform of the superior, to stay bare feet to Earth, heart open with compassion, and to work for my life to enable a world that supports success and wellbeing of 100% of humanity, without ecological offence or the disadvantage of anyone.
How quickly we forget all rights come with responsibility, and the more rights we have the more responsible we are to support Earth and all of her creatures to access the same rights.
Beauty knows this. The Sun warms all in her path.
June 3rd 2020
Photo taken June 3rd, 2020