If you live in a glass house do not throw stones
I remember this proverb from my childhood. I was taught quite a few like this. For example.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
Chaucer wrote the glass house proverb in 1385 Troilus and Criseyde.
Moral education, where is it? Manners? Do we teach our children manners? How do we become adults, holding reigns of power, yet are morally and ethically bankrupt?
I watch as those living in glass houses throw very big stones. If there is a virus in the world, it is one of hypocrisy.
How are people, posturing leaders and countries so blind to the hypocrisy of their actions?
I hear the cry for freedom, yet the refusal for responsibility.
I hear the cry for rights, including property rights, yet the denial of wrongs.
I hear the words of those who have taken, generationally, from others, even if the blood is no longer on their hands, refuse to confront the source of their success. Confrontation is not capitulation. But is often confused for the same.
I hear the horrid, heated debates from leaders who have not a kind word about anything to say. As Katherine Murphy from the Guardian says so well, on planet Big Angry Feelings.
These people, absent any decency, spew such nastiness, gleefully arousing every form of racism, protectionism, rightism and horror from the sleeping serpent of those who have been neglected by all sides of politics for so long.
Hypocrisy is a disease.
It’s healing requires a good, long, hard look in the mirror. We see ourselves reflected in the anger and righteousness that oozes from our skin. We must see our fear, our violence, and our bone-deep insecurity.
Looking in the mirror is an exercise for individuals, families, communities, leaders and nations.
Until we do this in wholehearted willingness to confront our brokenness, can we please put down the stones?
Photo Taken August 17th 2023