Impact vs Influence
The word impact is used often in our fast paced entrepreneurial world. To make an impact is a goal of many.
Yet to impact means to push into, drive into, strike against. It has a hard energy to it, with a touch of domination.
In times where the overbalance of energy is aggressive, polarising, and driven, we might consider using a different approach and a different way to describe our approach.
To influence means to flow into. Its origins are from French, meaning emanation from the stars that acts upon ones character and destiny. It has its roots in astrology, in the larger influence of greater patterns, like the stars and heavens.
To impact is to push, like an impacted tooth. To influence means to create a field where new patterns of flow might emerge.
There are occasions where pushing is the most appropriate tool. We all need a push at times. We are impacted by major events in our lives that have us pause and reconsider the path we have chosen. Life threatening illness, the death of a loved one, loss of work…
However, if we influence through applying a gravitational like attractive force that invites flow and is aligned with Cosmological patterns, we will get a very different response.
Impact or influence? The difference matters.
September 11th 2019
Photo Taken July 2nd, 2019