Sometimes our view is from above..and sometimes from the ground. In our dreams we may even have a view from below.
Each time we seek to change our view new truths are revealed. Yet we must have eyes to see.
One of the qualities I like most about myself is the ability to stay in the question knowing that there is an answer. Knowing that I might need to be willing to change my view, my perspective, in order to have eyes that can see.
We either take the stance of openness, or we are arrested but possibility remains, or we are closed.
The heart break of humanity is when people, communities, governments and nations are closed.
I try to practice pushing into the places that are closed. They live in the world of the absolute. Never, Can’t, won’t. These are the signals that I have shut myself off from life and flow.
Life is flow. Life is change. That can be uncomfortable. So was learning to walk. Get over it.