100% Flexible, most affordable
We start
Access is immediate on registration
Covering all time zones
No need to worry, your time is the perfect time
All Course materials on-line
+ Access to Syntropia, our virtual home
This is for those people and businesses who want to radically change the world through how humans work together
Transforming the ROOT cause of injustice, short-termism, exploitation, extraction to extinction, winner-takes-all, poverty, caste, asymmetrical access (privilege)
The problem we seek to change
You have a beautiful business, or lead a brilliant team, who serves Earth and all her creatures and yet you may be inadvertently using the very tools and systems that your business is seeking to change. Tools and systems that we rarely question. Like how we account for value, how we set up the legal and governance codes, how we lead and the way we provision including the use of financial capital.
What if there was another way? A way to create, design and build enterprise and enable elegant human collaboration without exploitation, colonisation or extraction to extinction?
The good news! There is another way.
We might look to the greatest systems we know.
Natures coordinate systems and design principles
Billions of years in the making. Tried and tested. Elegant.
Leaving everything better
We focus on building not attacking.
Our relationships, the bonds between, is where the synergistic potential lies.
Taking the time to build the human relational dynamic from the start, then investing in it ongoing, is the human equivalent of building a cathedral.
Every member of the community who cares holds a piece of the solution.
Every creature has intrinsic value. The question is how to create ecologies where diversity of intrinsic value becomes synergistic. Exponentially more than the sum of the parts.
Our focus is on strategic intention rather than strategic planning. We hold intention against constant change. We dance with emergence.
Rather than monopoly and monoculture, we consider value in 12 domains
Through applying an enterprise architecture that enables people who care about the purpose we hold to show up in their full agency yet work with community
By building development into the enterprise architecture all of us become better as we do our best work
A rigorous threshold crossing provides sovereign choice
Integrity is the ground and the future.
By partnering with the laws of nature in all we do
By constantly upgrading our skills for communication, sense-making, collaboration

The two images above and the image on the headline banner are from the Syntropic Series, by Murray Galbraith. You can see them all and purchase here.
This is for you if..
You know that applying integrity to every aspect of your enterprise, that how you create the enterprise as an exemplar of the change you seek to make through your enterprise, is as important as what your enterprise delivers
100% Flexibility
About The On-Demand Syntropic Masterclass
Each module has all the materials plus extras. As you complete a module the next module is unlocked. Upon graduation, you can then access the Syntropic Blue Community of Practice, joining many other Syntropic Pioneers from around the world as they create and build Syntropic Enterprises.

On-line learning
Access to the on-line learning platform, video and audio, playbook, extra material, extra ebooks.

Go at your own pace
As fast or as slowly as you like, review, repeat any or all of the material at any time.

Invited to Syntropia, our virtual house
The On-Demand Masterclass is assigned a private room in Syntropia, where you can meet other On-Demand participants, ask questions, post comments, offer support.
You also get to meet the wider Syntropic Community.

An affordable way to learn Syntropic Models
Modules will be released on completion of the previous module.
Time to learn
Syntropic Masterclass graduates are invited back to repeat the Masterclass, and most graduates do because the material, while practical, also requires a complete reframing of how we have been taught to build enterprise and all the systems that underpin traditional business. The On-Demand Masterclass gives you time to integrate. You are also invited to upgrade to the Live Masterclass at any time by paying the fee gap.

Module 1 to 3
In the first three modules, we cover the core building blocks for designing a Syntropic Enterprise including your Source Idea and its Evolutionary Purpose.

Module 4 & 5
During Modules 4 and 5 we cover advanced communication models, like Clean Communication, Conversation for Understanding, The 7 Step process to speak the truth, managing expectations, how to say no.

Modules 6 to 8
Module 6 to 8 we cover Synergistic Accounting, Polarity, Steward Leadership, Resilience and Efficiency and the Trust Manifesto
Juicy Extra’s
We love giving gifts
Syntropic Playbook
Each week you will be able to download the Playbook for that week. At the end of the Masterclass, you will be able to download the FULL Playbook

Speak the Truth
An ebook on the 7 Step Process of Speaking the Truth
The Syntropic Trust Manifesto
The enterprise architecture that enables people to work together synergistically towards a purpose they care about.

Rave Reviews
With graduates in 24 countries we are delighted to share amazing reviews from the incredible people around the world committed to creating and building Syntropic Enterprises.

Cindy Forde
Founder Planetari, Author
“Christine is as lucid and compelling as the Syntropic framework she has stewarded into this world. She is a manifestation of the courage that it takes to refuse to comprise integrity of purpose as well as of the astonishing power this brings, in terms of both personal development as well as the potential for the evolution of a higher order of principles to guide businesses, organIsations and humanity away from the precipice towards regeneration.“

Michael Smitts
“A complete package of mindset, practical tools and principles that can be utilised to build regenerative enterprises, new (business) models and even entirely new community structures, and an engaging caring crowd that captures all that I envision when I think of a better world and a better future.”
A short taste
Are you ready to get started on your Syntropic Journey?
Together we can create a world with a future!
Pay in Full
US, Euro, £, Aus3 Monthly Payments
US, Euro, £, AusWe make it easy for you to access the Syntropic Material. Select your currency (or closest local currency to yours).
If you have any questions or would like to ask for a scholarship, please contact support AT syntropic.world
NOTE: A 10% GST will be added to the price.
This is a commitment. There are no refunds. If you decide to stop participating in the Masterclass after the date it commences, you remain responsible for completing your remaining payments in full.
You agree to follow community guidelines and will not share, circulate or reproduce materials or proprietary information from this program without permission. If the material is in the Creative Commons you may share with attribution.
You also agree to respect the identities, privacy, and confidentiality of other participants and will not share screenshots, recordings or information disclosed in our group spaces with other parties unless permission has been granted.
To protect the space and each other, participants who do not uphold these requirements may have their access to community spaces or participation revoked.