More whole than broken

My admiration and respect are for those humans, who, against odds of place of birth, circumstances of birth, life’s events, chosen or not…come through life more whole, more humble, more dignified, than what life served them.

More whole than broken.

Privilege gets you much. Opportunity and access allow more opportunity and access. Privilege does not justify rudeness, disrespect or walls. Privilege does not justify erasure of those less privileged.

To be humble. To be respectful. To give people the benefit of the doubt. To refuse to shame, ridicule…to invite collaboration, to offer a hand up

And to be more of all of these as we age….to become more whole, more grounded in our being…

No matter origins, no matter pigment, no matter one or two legs, dignity, grace, integrity and the certainty of our wholeness needing not a scratch of edification, these are the people I seek as my community.

June 5th 2020

Photo taken June 5th, 2020