Open our heart and shine our light
I love meeting new people from around the world. People who are bravely meeting the frontiers of their work, the future well-being of humanity, and the service they offer the world.
I have had the privilege of meeting people from all walks of life…famous people, leaders of business, generous-hearted baristas, taxi drivers.
There is one common element I seek. An open heart and a generous soul.
My little dog Milly demonstrates this every day. All humans to her, no matter their costume, size, skin…are worthy of saying hello to.
When we meet someone without agenda, simply to make a connection, to find a thread of common humanity, absent any title, posture, protection, defence…when their light shines through, open, available…it is a gift.
To practise this, as a way of being, to be so comfortable in your own skin, to not be seeking to get, extract, win, dominate, be righteous, be heard, seen….out of need or lack..or even fear….is a constant work.
I have shown up many times in my past arrogant, often ignorant, and likely so focused I miss people and things.
Each day, to arrive at every conversation from the place of generosity of spirit, to be open to connection, the deep recognition that we are interdependent, not separate, that underneath the costume, the titles…is a human being, one who longs, suffers and wonders….
In our time of isolation, real connection, heart-to-heart, might become a practice.
To begin, we open our hearts and shine our light for no other reason than to gift.
April 17th 2020
Photo taken April 17th, 2020