Perhaps create a new game for a world with a future?

Several years ago I fell into a very dark depression. It was the accumulation of years of living in a space of questioning my relevance and value.

It came off the back of creating and building a beautiful project with a team of amazing people to support my local city and its future, a project created through love, and designed to serve the whole.

This project was maliciously attacked by members of the community. I was not prepared for something created from such a place of service and integrity to be attacked. 

There came a point where I made a vow to myself that on arising from my darkness and choosing to step back into life, I would take a precessional turn, a turn at 90 degrees, and spend the rest of my days dedicated to building new models, new maps, new mindsets for a world with a future. 

That rather than trying to fix the broken, change the current model, or make those who animate the current models wrong, rather than spend my days in argument, defence, justification or righteousness (this is the hardest of all for me to leave behind), I would invest 100% of my attention to the world we know is possible. The more beautiful world.

If we are on a tennis court playing the game of tennis, we are choosing to hit the ball back. If we do not like that game of tennis, we can quite literally put the racket down, and walk off the court. Perhaps create a new game.

To hit the ball back is to agree to the game. The world has so many of these games running now, where the return volley is continuing to animate righteousness, division, justification for, or defence of. I am not sure we as humanity benefit at all from this game. It is exhausting and completely distracts from what humanity is capable of when we work synergistically for a world with a future.

May 27th 2020

Photo taken May 27th, 2020