Real conversations
Are intimate.
To create safety for the other to access their vulnerability we need to be fully comfortable accessing and speaking aloud about our own vulnerability.
If we are not able to inhabit our suffering, our broken places, our insecurities, our fears..we will not be able to sit with another as they navigate the troubled seas of their suffering, shame…pain.
It is one of the most grace-filled spaces we can consciously and intentionally create for another.
To be witness to the full measure of our fellow humans, with compassion, infinite care, rigorous boundaries and enough care and love to speak to their blindness, is an honour requiring the deepest respect and reverence.
To create a sanctuary for another we need to have created our own inner sanctuary, reconciled with our own exile.
In the liminal space between, we can heal.
November 24th 2019
Photo taken November 24th, 2019