September 6, 2023 | Syntropic Contemplations weekly e-news Archives
Beyond Visionaries: How to Be a Steward of a Revolutionary Syntropic Enterprise The word vision – to see something not yet expressed – is a powerful way to engage with the future. Visionaries are revered in our current business world. Entangled with vision is...
April 6, 2022 | Syntropic Contemplations weekly e-news Archives
This week during the inaugural Syntropic Global Summit, I somehow managed to pull together my dream team dinner table conversation. Elizabeth Kapuʻuwailani Lindsey works to find, preserve and share the knowledge and traditions of indigenous populations before...
March 8, 2021 | Beauty of Beginnings, Bucky Fuller-Critical Path, Future of Business, Stewardship, Leadership, Entrepreneurs, Syntropic Enterprise
How to start a Syntropic Enterprise A Syntropic Enterprise is one committed to creating a better world for Earth and all her creatures. A Syntropic Enterprise does this by applying the laws inherent in nature to enterprise design, human co-ordination, accounting for...
February 28, 2021 | Beauty of Beginnings, Bucky Fuller-Critical Path, Personal Development, Stewardship, Leadership, Entrepreneurs, Syntropic Enterprise
I am a verb So said my mentor of over thirty years, R. Buckminster Fuller. I am, you are, we are, a constantly evolving dynamic complexity of Universe. Some us resist the verb aspect of our being. Some of us are buried in the hubris of arrival at superiority. Be that...
February 24, 2021 | Beauty of Beginnings, Future of Business, Personal Development, Stewardship, Leadership, Entrepreneurs, Syntropic Enterprise
Figuring it out on the fly I rarely know how to do a thing in the creative cycle. I didn’t know how to create an event before I created one. Or build a web site before I created one. How to raise money. Work with government… Or how to build a global community…before...