December 12, 2023 | Beauty of Beginnings, Current Affairs
How easy is it to be nice We are exploring options for a surf holiday in Papua New Guinea. I asked two surf camps a simple question about room and bed configurations. We wanted to be sure we had our privacy and were not sharing with another couple in the same...
January 29, 2021 | Beauty of Beginnings, Future of Business, Personal Development, Stewardship, Leadership, Entrepreneurs, Syntropic Enterprise
Empathy The ability to stand in the shoes, eyes, feelings, thoughts…of another. Requires the will and interest to do so. Genuine service, be that customer service or acts of service, is built on a foundation of empathy. Today, as a customer, I was at the effects of...
December 5, 2019 | Beauty of Beginnings, Future of Business, Stewardship, Leadership, Entrepreneurs, Syntropic Enterprise
Customer Service Love and Business a beautiful alchemy To serve another…what a gift. To welcome them into your place of business as treasured guests. To give them a seat at the table, a voice. A vote. To see them. To be genuinely interested in their world, and...
November 3, 2017 | Dare to Care-Conscious Communication, Deliberately Developmental Organisations
We all have expectations of people, events, our work, the movies we go to, the restaurants we eat at. Most of the time our expectations live below our subconscious mind and we do not know we had the expectation until we are either happily surprised or disappointed....
February 10, 2014 | Future of Business
Do you think I am kidding? Hell no. Choose your customer care promises very very wisely. As if your life and reputation depend upon them. Because they do. If you leave a voice message that a service person will get back to you very soon, then be prepared to get...