January 15, 2024 | Beauty of Beginnings, Current Affairs
Debtor versus Creditor It is one of the oldest class divisions. The debtor and the creditor. When I was younger, I was told that debt and poverty only happened to the lazy and Riff-raff. The ‘lower’ class. There was such as stigma associated with being in debt, that...
June 30, 2023 | Beauty of Beginnings, Personal Development
Energy Bank Account I have a very useful tool to consider our personal energy and investment. It is called the energy bank account. Imagine our energy can be either a debt or a credit. Energy debt comprises things like anger, vengeance, cheating, lies, corruption,...
November 7, 2021 | Beauty of Beginnings, Future of Money, Personal Development, Syntropic Enterprise
To be in debt We are all in debt. What might be seen as shameful in the financial realm prevents us from recognising that all relationships exist with reciprocity built in. Taking endlessly is a zero sum game. Giving endlessly leaves us husks. It is the dance of...
February 1, 2021 | Beauty of Beginnings, Current Affairs, Future of Money, Personal Development, Syntropic Enterprise
Back to Source In our increasingly complex world, in our rush to keep up, to stay off the edge of precarity, to serve, to create… It is easy to forget Source. The source of an idea, the seed, the first impulse, the start, the very beginning. The etymology of a word....
August 4, 2019 | Beauty of Beginnings, Personal Sustainability
Surplus as a habit We can live a zero-sum game, where input and output leave nothing. We can extract from the present to keep us locked in the past with debt. Or we can choose surplus. Surplus time…wriggle room to get to the meeting, make the plane, prepare for a...