October 11, 2023 | Beauty of Beginnings, Current Affairs
On the precipice In any system, when pressure is continuously applied to the system, and the parts within the system perturbate increasingly violently, there will come a time when a threshold is crossed, and everything changes. This moment of threshold crossing is...
December 5, 2020 | Beauty of Beginnings
Perturbation To transform, to become a new shape…able to transcend our current worldview and identity, requires perturbation. We must step into the world of extreme discomfort, to not know if the ground we stand on will hold us up. To gaze for the first time into the...
January 11, 2020 | Beauty of Beginnings, Personal Development, Stewardship, Leadership, Entrepreneurs
Percolation Perturbation -The creative process The creative process for me goes something like this; Ingredients come together. Often from seemingly random places. A conversation, listening to a podcast, watching a movie…. Many times, the ingredients do not look...
July 2, 2019 | Beauty of Beginnings, Deliberately Developmental Organisations, Future of Business, Stewardship, Leadership, Entrepreneurs
Perturbation In any system, when molecules are under stress and pressure, they begin to perturbate. The higher the pressure the greater the frequency of perturbation. This is unsustainable. At some stage, unable to be predicted, the molecules will reach a threshold...
July 1, 2019 | Beauty of Beginnings, Dare to Care-Conscious Communication, Personal Development
The side effects of avoiding conflict Emotion is energy in motion. Anger and frustration are like charged particles, perturbating. They have to go somewhere. In our desperation to keep peace, not rock the boat, stay safe from the force of anger that might become...