Take a lesson from the sunrise
Imagine if Barbra Streisand did not sing. If she said she would no longer sing at all.
Or if Leonardo DaVinci did not paint.
If Banksy never put his work into the world. If Donald Glover stayed small and safe?
Some artists have a talent that is singular and soaring. Inarguable.
Others, people like us, are no lesser bestowed with gifts. They are simply different. A radiant smile that leaves only joy in its wake. A tender touch at exactly the right time. A feisty protection from those not able to speak. A brilliant skill at convening people and creating spaces.
When we diminish our gifts, when we compare our majesty to the current canvas of fame, we diminish the light in the world. We are diminished in our own diminishment.
Our responsibility as alive humans is to shine our light, in its perfect and imperfect peculiarity, with full magnificence, without apology. To not do so is to deny others the experience of our unique song.
Take a lesson from the sunrise…
July 16th 2018
Photo Taken July 30th 2017