The creatures know

The turn of the season.

You can feel it in the air. A cool kiss after repressive heat and humidity.

The light feels softer, brighter, and less burdened by water molecules.

It is just the whisper of the possibility of change, likely to be overruled in the next few days as heat returns.

The weather has been cruel this summer season, bending whole communities to her will in devastating ways.

Yet still they fight to dig holes and drill. Still, there are arguments about continuing on the same foolish path.

The creatures know. 

How far from attunement to Nature and the seasons have we come? Beating our chest of superiority that we know better.

It is laughable. Ludicrous. The idiocracy of men.

What a beautiful morning with this first kiss of winter. 

Nature’s intelligence is blowing trumpets of warning.

We listen too late. 

We listen too late.

Photo Taken June 2nd 2023