The current system is not working even for those who profit most from it
When billionaires begin to discuss how they might protect themselves when everything collapses, what they might do to defend against the masses who will come for their bunkers and food stores…
When suicide rates are increasing particularly in the more wealthy demographic.…
When the super-wealthy numb themselves to the various excesses of society…drugs, alcohol, loveless sex, food…
When we realise that those who have profited the most from what they invested in the creation of are terrified, isolated, unhealthy, unhappy…
We might begin to see what we have intuitively known – that the dream of obscene wealth and fame is the classic case of longing for shallow gods.
When we have removed real human connection, the celebration of art, joy, love, beauty, the exquisite experience that happens in the spaces between, when we have reduced gorgeous humanity to objects of exploitation and our Earth to the place for human dominion…
We must know that we have lost our way.
What matters most…that which feeds and nourishes at the Soul level, cannot be found in the enticement of wealth and fame.
It is found here, now, in the conversation in front of you, with the human being present, in the song of the wind, the kiss of the sun, the touch of a child, a beloved.
A world with a future will be discovered in the cultivation of these experiences…treasures beyond measure.
October 10th 2019
Photo taken October 10th, 2019