The Perfect Day
Up at 3:30 AM….to meet with my running buddy of over twenty years…plus my daughter and my love….to begin a twenty km run in beautiful rural country, rolling hills, cold…to run in the light of the setting strawberry full moon.
Cows, horses, country smells.
Then the beach, coffee, handcrafted Danish pastries…warm sun, and the perfect wave for the beginner surfer like me…
Finally to catch a wave, my first, and ride it all the way to the beach…repeat…four times….yeh!!!
To eat more….hunger from hard physical exercise….that ravenous, well-earned fuel. To be warm in the winter sun. (We call winter 22C…)
To return home eight hours later…and to hit the couch for a nap….
To return to the beach, with pizza and red wine to watch the setting sun and the full moon rising.
To do this with people I love. With my love.
To sleep, dead to the world.
Oh…and yes, unrestrained celebration after catching and riding my first wave. Dancing, jumping, shouting for joy, for all the world to see.
Never too late to learn, never too old to celebrate out loud.
Indeed the moment we stop learning is the moment we become old.
And if we cannot celebrate with the enthusiasm of a child even more as we age, then age is lost on us.
To never take this for granted, and to be aware of how lucky I am.
June 7th 2020
Photo taken June 7th, 2020