To be in the ocean is to swim in tears

Saturday mornings. Sweet times. A day ahead without a plan.

In the ocean before dawn, the water glassy, a rain cloud on the horizon, a sunrise etched in my memory but not captured in bytes. Stunning beauty. 

Today, my arms, legs, and brain are not working in coordination as I surf. For no reason, as happens. I can allow this to frustrate me, but not today. Today, my being chooses to surrender to what is—a wiser choice.

I wonder why this is easier on some days than others. Why do I allow frustration to consume me some days but not this day?

Perhaps it is an accumulated frustration unleashing? Or my body responding to held emotion? 

A study was released this week showing that water – observing large bodies of water – reduces blood pressure and heart rate more than being in a forest.

Water is my therapy. I am in water almost every day, 365 days a year. I feel discombobulated when I am not near water, as if an essential part of me is missing or lost.

I read a quote this week about the alchemy of the ocean. Our tears and the ocean share saltiness. To cry is to be the ocean. To be in the ocean is to swim in tears. (My words, inspired by the quote.)

And out of the blue, the dolphins. Coming so close you could touch them. Laughing with delight. Every time. Never losing the sheer love of dolphins being so close.

It is a cloudy Saturday. I have an unplanned day ahead. It feels luxurious. My hair is still salty wet and ocean tangled. 

Photo Taken September 14th 2023