Turn the volume of our beauty up
Have you ever considered that the most profound lessons of life live in the simple every day? That we might not need to be sages or gurus, but simply observe.
All beauty fades and dies. And then is born again.
This is the essence of creation.
As I watch a sunrise, one moment she might look drab (not photo-worthy), and then suddenly she reveals her full glory. And as suddenly as she arrived, she is gone.
On other days she builds and her performance lasts for 30 minutes, changing and peaking, each moment stunning. Until it is gone.
Our own beauty over the arc of a human life tells a similar story.
As we age, the presence of our youthful beauty fades. Yet our soul beauty is always present if we seek to turn the volume up.
When we turn the volume of our beauty up, when we smile from our being, and open our hearts, our light changes all who are touched by it.
Such a simple act of generosity.
Shine light. Be beauty. Gift the world.
March 3rd 2018
Photo Taken June 24th 2016