Unlocking the power of enterprise for a more beautiful world Part #7 Strategy and Implementation
This week’s article is the seventh of seven in the series about the Considerations for a Beautiful Syntropic Enterprise. In this article, we explore Pillar #6. Stategy and Implementation.
If you want to read the introduction article from March 17th, you can access it here. https://syntropic.world/unlocking-the-power-of-enterprise-for-a-more-beautiful-world-part-1/
As a reminder, here are the 6 Pillars of a Syntropic Enterprise we are currently working through.
Pillar 1. Clarity of the Source Idea – the original impulse and Evolutionary Purpose
Pillar 2. Self-development as a leader/steward
Pillar 3. Structural Integrity of Organisational Design. Creating Ecologies of Trust and Synergy
Pillar 4. People, teams, culture. A company of people and relationships.
Pillar 5. Networks and the field. A healthy economy is a healthy network of relationships with people, creatures, our Earth, the future, and the sacred.
Pillar 6. Strategy and Implementation. The Dance of Time, emergent strategy, strategic intention, and the autopoiesis of a living enterprise.
Let’s dive into the two elements of Pillar 6. Strategy and Implementation
- How best to resource your enterprise? Money, currency, people, supplies, services, technology.
a.) We need to ensure an energetic and coherent match between the enterprise’s purpose and principles and the means of supply.
If anything will kill a beautiful idea for a Syntropic Enterprise, it is misaligned provisioning and funding. Your relationship with the funder is a partnership—the type of relationship you want to endure and become more respectful over time.
The alignment starts with a deep clarity and connection to the Source Idea, its Pattern Integrity, and the purpose of the enterprise.
The funding partner needs to be as committed to maintaining the Pattern Integrity of the Source Idea as you are.
They want to see the purpose come into existence.
As a consequence of this, they aim to get a return on investment.
In a Syntropic Enterprise, we fund differently, using the Synergistic Accounting tool first to determine what we have in abundance and scarcity in multiple domains and then being resourced and provisioned for the next step or stage of the enterprise’s journey, rather than for many steps yet to be revealed. Resourcing doesn’t have to come in the form of money.
Synergistic Accounting honours and accounts for value inputs and outputs in six domains – which makes 12 in total. Money in and money out are only two domains of the twelve. When we give any one domain dominion over all other domains we have debased the value of the other domains. In a Syntropic Enterprise money/the funder can never have all the power.
The idea of provisioning is that if you have all the elementary pieces of a Syntropic Enterprise in place, and integrity is present in all domains, then the provisioning for the very next step will be in the field.
Understanding the nature of provisioning is helpful. Most people step right over-provisioning because they are looking for something else, usually measured in an amount of dollars, money being only one form of provisioning.
You can read more about Synergistic Accounting here.
And provisioning here.
We cover these tools in the Syntropic Masterclass.
(b) When we invite people to join our enterprise, we rarely take the time to really understand the full measure of their offering. The result is that we get people who are only seen for a small part of what they have to bring. Rare is the leader who steps out of their own way and allows people to bring the whole of themselves to an organisation, contributing in ways that are beyond what is seen as possible. To enable this, a culture of safety that celebrates wholeness is required. The organisation’s structure enables people to show up in their wholeness, and as such, their work is far better because almost all organisations only employ half of what people have to offer and, even worse, only allow people to show up in certain ways. In typical workplaces, we have people who are very dissatisfied with their work and seek fulfilment in other arenas. A Syntropic Enterprise is interested in creating ecologies where people feel they are bringing their best, and are well supported to do so.
In a Syntropic Enterprise, we use the Synergistic Audit as the recruitment tool. You can watch two case studies from the Syntropic Community of Practice where the Synergistic Audit was used to hire people.
When I built Big Blue Sky in 2015, we used the Synergistic Audit to create sponsorship relationships. Any relationship will benefit from the Synergistic Audit.
2. Strategic Intention
Rather than do a traditional strategy document or process in a Syntropic Enterprise, we set a Strategic Intention.
Where do we aim to be by ‘X’ in the future? How will we know we are there? What will be evident?
Take the time to get very clear about this. Do not get too attached to the form—what it will look like exactly. Attachment to the form can get in the way of achieving the purpose. Instead, look at what is happening due to your purpose coming to life.
Then, tuning into the Source Idea and Pattern Integrity, the inner field of the business, the culture within and without, and the larger field in which the business exists, what is the most elegant pathway forward?
If this sounds weird, consider it this way: If you are a parent or steward of a child or garden, your role is to be tuned into your child or the garden and the conditions surrounding it. What does it need now? What does it need to ensure a future? How do you enhance the conditions to ensure flourishing?
This tuning-in is a constant conversation, a step-by-step process, and adjustment, with strategic intention as the directional guide.
Questions you might consider to maintain strategic intention
- Who will add to the strategic conversation?
- How do you adjust if you need a course correction?
- What signposts do you have to indicate a course correction is required?
- How able are you to listen to the ideas and opinions of others and to take them on board?
- How much of your ego is being imposed on the idea you are stewarding?
I hope you have enjoyed this seven-part series. I will publish this in full in the next few weeks and let you know where to find it.
If you have any questions about any element covered, please reply to this email.
You can read more about Synergistic Accounting here. https://syntropic.world/a-tool-to-change-humanitys-relationship-with-value/
And provisioning here. https://syntropic.world/provisioning/
A Syntropic Enterprise Explained. https://syntropic.world/revolutionising-business-the-syntropic-enterprise-explained/