We can’t talk about that

Next weekend, I will have a house full of family, both my family and Tony’s.

To keep the peace, I have strong boundaries around subject matters that may be discussed. This is because, within my family, there are world views poles apart. Mini-household wars are not the way I want to be with family. 

I have been thinking about this. 

And thinking about the experience of “we can’t talk about that” in the world.

We can’t talk about the bombing of hospitals because if we do, we are labelled anti-this and anti-that. 

If talking about bombing hospitals and cutting off medical supplies can be labelled anything, surely it would be labelled the moral and ethical thing to do. To talk about how this violates all semblance of morality, regardless of race, religion, or caste. To stand by and watch anyone deliberately kill the sick and wounded is to descend into hell, by agreement. Little atrocities and the banality of evil, wrote Hannah Arendt. I wonder what she would say today, were she still alive.

Power structures use the weapons of loaded words to keep people silent. To intimidate and confuse. 

We must talk about some of the things we are witnessing happening. We must talk about the seizure of power by monopolies. The relentless accumulation of wealth off the backs of breaking people down – especially black and brown people. The endless colonisation and cruelty still happening, in so many parts of the world, including places that have been deemed acceptable by most of the West. On our watch. The lunacy of sucking the fossils out of our Earth – our energy savings account – said Bucky Fuller – at the cost of all LIFE! The extreme socialism of the wealthy as the poor pay the ferryman—the erosion of the fourth estate. 

The list is long. Our voices must rise louder. Even when we are labelled and called names that seek to dehumanise us.

This is what courage asks of us.

Power hates it. Power has always known that to keep people docile and silent, they need to keep people divided amongst themselves, distracted by seemingly petty things like wearing a mask or squabbling over some political noise that makes little difference in the end.

We must wise up to these games of distraction and return to raise our voices against violence, cruelty, injustice, racism, colonisation and any form of supremacy.

Photo Taken December 16th 2023