We have outsourced leadership to those who have lost kinship

Unless a leader connects fully and deeply with the community they serve they are not a leader, they have become a tyrant.

Anything unchallenged will become tyrannical. Unchallenged leaders of banking and finance; unchallenged money in politics; unchallenged celebrity status; unchallenged institutions that were designed to serve…all of these will fall into the pit of tyranny, not in one fell swoop, but one little atrocity at a time.

Indeed, you or I will become a tyrant if we are not challenged or held to account with rigorous love.

Surrounding yourself with a close circle of friends, family, colleagues and coaches, or in Syntropic World with an Integrity Council, with the explicit intent to keep you from falling towards your own corruption, is a gesture of self-love and high leadership. Doing it from day one of your leadership is wisdom.

Each of us is seduced by various temptations, no one immune. Rather than rely on solitary self, wisdom invites allies.

Taking back authority from our current tyrannical leaders will require a different approach. Rather than the usual war of weapons or words, let us invite participation to an alternate path.

Perhaps we might call forth the parts of our tyrant leaders that have been exiled…their buried compassion and care…their love of beauty and the arts…if this is still possible. See what they have hidden that shows a soft humanity, touch them with beauty.

Let beauty and love be the Trimtab.

May 22nd 2014

Photo credit. Denis Collette via Compfight