What changes are you loving?

I am loving the quiet of the mornings, empty roads…a nearly thirty-year habit of arising at 4 am, and going out for a run, swim, walk and now surf…enhanced by less traffic.

I am loving seeing so many people out on bikes, boards, blades, walking…

And the giant never-ending list of chores slowly getting checked off…one by one..time to do….

I love that my partner is home most days..and has the time for the first time in his entire adult life, to stop, decompress, and get below the constancy of busy…to consider what might be arising for him for this next stage of his life. What to say yes to going forward, and what to say no to.

I love the clean air, the sound of birds, nature busting. Vegetables growing in the garden.

And a sense of spaciousness. The creativity that comes with that…

This is my privilege to live in Australia, where we are being supported financially to not work, where our cases are so low, and our people are willing to do what it takes to keep it that way.

What changes are you loving that you do not want to relinquish as human contact is restored?

April 23rd 2020

Photo taken April 23rd, 2020