When the old version of ‘weakest link’ becomes irrelevant. Deploying Synergy strategically.

There is a saying that a team is only as strong as its weakest link.

What this fails to consider is the way we co-ordinate the team. The geometry of the team, the structure that enables team functionality.

Too often we just throw people randomly together and expect great outcomes. Or we squeeze people into a structure, a shape, that is not designed for the nuance, the unique Pattern Integrity of individuals and the collective. We have all felt this when we show up to a job, just as we might also have experienced good intentions from a group of people towards a purpose all fall into a messy human heap when there is no considered structure and co-ordination of our human geometry.

Nature has a co-ordinate system. Perhaps we might consider that unique teams of people also require a deliberate and considered co-ordinate system, a design that enables the best from all participants.

The Principle of Synergy, where the behaviour of the whole is unpredicted by the behaviour of the parts considered separately, takes parts and combines them in a geometry that enables exponentially greater potentiality than any part separately.

If we do this well, then the old version of ‘weakest link’ becomes irrelevant. Everyone is strengthened by the structure, the design that enables synergy.

There is no weak link. Only ill-considered design, absent synergistic application.

June 2nd 2020

Photo taken May 3rd, 2020