I choose love

Today I write about love.

About people who show up each day and offer love…in their work, their generosity, their service to something other than self.

About communities of people who choose to be present with love.

Last eve a group of thirty people from many countries spent over an hour exploring  questions from a generative syntropic space. No need to shout, to be right, to dominate. Rather to sit in questions, listen to others, be prepared to have minds changed, perspectives expanded, hearts opened.

Intrinsic to the field of love is generosity, spaciousness, wholeheartedness. 

The knowing that to speak what is true for you, without the need to be right, to dominate, will both be received and in the receiving change the field and you.

To be willing and humble enough to have the field change us. 

We can choose…do we spend our precious days, our beautiful life energy…cultivating love, generosity, expansiveness, learning from each other, evolving, stumbling together…or do we turn to the ever increasing and most toxic addiction…righteous battles against impenetrable but actually irrelevant monsters. For to feed the monster is to keep it alive.

I choose love.

Photo taken October 1st 2020