A few of my hardest lessons

The answer to the question that keeps us awake at night is almost always right in front of us. Missed because we have been trained to see lack, not the abundance that is right in front of us. Too obvious. Too regular. Too familiar.

Our super skills come as easily as breathing. Because of the strange way our culture places high value on hard work, we discount what comes easily. We devalue our super skills.

If you do not ask, the answer is no. Learn to ask.

Throwing blankets of complexity over a problem is often a mechanism to avoid, deny, or obfuscate the solution.

Generosity is a first principle. Give a smile. Give a smile with your whole being and the present will smile back. 

Give first. Not as a strategy, ploy or seduction. Give because to give affirms abundance. Repeated giving, absent expectation, confirms a generous world.

Photo taken June 19th 2021 Broken Head Byron Bay