Agency within community

“It is strangely liberating to realise your true status as a single node in a cooperative network” Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk

Agency within community. The ability to have a whole voice while being a part of a larger whole.

To not diminish the voice of another. Just as your voice is not diminished.

To create the ecology for cooperation. With intention. Through design.

We can be afraid of our agency, of taking authority, authorship. Of speaking out. Often this fear is because the community in which we are speaking is not designed deliberately to recognise cooperation, collaboration.

In a win-lose world, one where scarcity is the currency of dominion and lies, trolling, and the crafted creation of polarity serve the purpose of those holding the power, our ability to create the alternative where agency within community is the foundation becomes a revolutionary act.

This is to create and build Syntropic Enterprise.

Photo taken August 8th 2020