Asking for help
One of the very hardest lessons I had to learn was how to ask for help.
As the whip-smart kid in school, not knowing, being stuck, not having the inner resources, were hard to admit.
Being a single mother broke the back of that angst. It was impossible to do everything and not ask.
We fear being helpless. Hopeless. Inadequate. I fear being stupid.
On the other hand, I love learning. Love the state of novice. But asking for emotional or financial help, geez, that was an Everest.
To finally learn that in not asking we remove ourselves from the law of Synergy, where we are greater because of the combination of the other. And that by not asking we never gift another the opportunity to gain the richness that flows from helping another.
Asking for help restores our humanity. It demands relationship. And relationship between, and the field created by being in partnership with another, is where life is. The conversation, the negotiation…intimacy, vulnerability, truth, hard learned, worth it all.
Photo taken August 27th 2020