Bringing ideas to life
Ideas are easy. We have them all the time.
I might have an idea to make a peanut butter sandwich. Or to build a not-for-profit to beautify cities with art for all to enjoy.
Some ideas arrive, pull at us a little to explore, and then leave. Others flitter through our stream of thinking and are gone, once gone hard to find.
Then there are ideas that take up real estate in our thinking. They wake us in the night. They call with persistence from the depths of our being, refusing to be ignored.
These ideas, the ones that are relentless, oftentimes for years, might possibly be the whispers of our soul seeking to bring our whole selves alive through the birth of the idea into form.
Never risk free. Never without changing every fibre of our being in birthing them.
Requiring our wholehearted love and attention.
At the same time needing to be expressed not as we want it, but as the idea needs.
To steward an idea to life is a sacred act, no matter the size of the idea.
It has its own Pattern Integrity, its values and particularities, woven into the essence of the idea at inception.
The form can occur in a million ways. No matter what form the Pattern Integrity of the idea will be clear, or eroded by our own desires for a form to be a particular way.
Be it a song, a painting, an enterprise…an idea brought to life with its Pattern Integrity intact is a transmission.
Photo taken November 9th 2021