Burning down the status quo

Not just challenging. Burning it down.

I look at the Australian government of the day. A Labour Government, the one that is supposed to stand for the working class. 

But they are tepid. Gutless. Tinkering. Like most political parties, funded to the eyeballs by the status quo – to keep the status quo.

Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, pretending that they are doing something. 

If there is a glaring example of this – The agency put in to examine corruption needed to be examined by the agency oversight and found that the head of the anti-corruption agency acted corruptly, and was the first person found to be corrupt. 

And then we have the lobby against any real climate action. So powerful we keep approving new coal mines.

While we burn, drown and die of heat and insurance becomes impossible to pay.

It is no wonder people will seize anything, anything at all that offers, even if it is a lie, to burn the status quo down.

The real opportunity is to actually burn down the status quo through integrity, love and fierce, bold action. Not just love. It is not enough. Not just integrity. Not enough.

Fierce, bold, daring, outrageously courageous action. 

That is the cry seeking to find a voice.

Photo Taken November 5th 2024, Article written November 8th 2024