Citizens beware

In these times, it is helpful to know the games being played and our part in them.

Autocracy – led by one person.

Gerontocracy – led by the old people. Can happen in a democracy where the prevailing population is older.

Plutocracy – rule by the very richest. 

Oligarchy – rule by a small group of elite. 

Kleptocracy – a government of corrupt leaders who use their political power to expropriate the wealth of the people for their own gain.

Anocracy – semi-democratic. A combination of autocracy with some power over the people.

Fascism – far right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalistic and often highly military. Suppression of opposition. Subjugation of the individual for the nation or a race of people.

A healthy democracy is never a given. Like any idea, perfection is not possible. To maintain a healthy democracy, we need critical ingredients, fiercely protected by active citizenship. Here are a few.

*an accountable, diverse fourth estate. In many parts of the world, the fourth estate is owned by the Oligarchs and Plutocrats in such high concentration that news can only be seen as propaganda. In autocratic countries, the fourth estate is owned and controlled by the state.

*an educated citizenship, taught to discern truth from lies. 

*elections free of corruption.

*full accountability to those in elected positions if corruption occurs. Never above the law. The highest standards of transparency.

*the impossibility of elections and governing officials to be purchased by institutions and oligarchs who seek to bend officials to their gain.

Erosion of democracy towards fascism often happens slowly, slowly, then quickly.

One Little Atrocity at a time.

Citizens beware.

** If you want to know how quickly fascism can become reality, the Booker Prize novel of 2023, Prophets Song, by Paul Lynch, will do an excellent job. I found it excruciating to read.

Photo Taken October 27th 2024, Article written October 27th 2024