Consent, sovereign choice, rights and responsibilities
To get consent is to gain permission. True consent is when the person giving consent is in their right mind, coherent, with full access to all the information, nothing hidden or obfuscated, no manipulation or spin.
Social media is not consent. It uses both extraordinary algorithms to manipulate while also having us go into a trance-like state, therefore becoming highly susceptible to manipulation and programming.
Sovereign choice occurs when we are given the right to decide for ourselves. Again, real sovereign choice occurs when we have 100% access to all the information, there is no power or knowledge asymmetry.
Rights – my rights – never happen without the responsibility that comes with those rights. Few people accept this. Our cultural and educational systems teach rights but neglect to speak of the responsibility that partners every right. If it did, we would not have the massive issues we have today with climate, plastic pollution. The right to produce anything comes with the responsibility for the effects and outcomes of those rights.
The higher the rights and the greater the power held, the higher the responsibility. Political leadership bestows high rights, but very few political leaders accept the full measure of responsibility for those rights.
A comprehensive understanding of consent, sovereign choice, rights and responsibility might be a worthy module in any education or corporate training system.
Citizens might then insist that leadership live these principles. We might hold ourselves to doing the same.
Photo taken October 29th 2021