Earning trust

You cannot force trust. Even requesting trust without relationship is premature.


Be your word.

Do what you say. 

If you make a mistake, own it all. 

Manage expectations really well.

If you have made a promise and discover you cannot keep it, notify the person you made the promise to as soon as you are able.

Do not gossip, backstab, gaslight.

Speak truth, even if that truth is – I don’t know what to do.

Say no when you mean no and yes when you mean yes.

Speak up for those who cannot speak.

Be a stand for something then stand for it no matter what. 

No Little Atrocities. (Or big ones.)

If you set a boundary, keep it.

If someone makes a mistake, forgive them. If they make the same mistake twice, have the hard conversation.

Have the hard conversation – the one that most needs to be had.

Watch when you justify or blame. How can you take responsibility instead?

Trust is actions taken, consistently, day in and day out.

A culture of trust is created by a threshold-crossing set of agreements that asks people like us to do things like this. (See above) We call this the Trust Manifesto in Syntropic World. Applicable to any enterprise, community, partnership or family.

Photo Taken August 25th 2024, Article written November 16th 2024