
Is when any child, no matter the colour of their skin, the place of their birth, their ableness or lack thereof, is looked upon with a love and care you would hold for your child.

Humanity is where the death of any child cuts your heart. Sometimes, the pain is so hard to bear that you must take a break from the endless horror. 

Humanity is connection to the creatures. Tenderness to our animals. Kindness.

We can be broken. We can lash out from our pain. But we cannot deny the pain we feel when people do horrible things to others.

Our humanity enables us to feel shame when we say an unkind word, or intentionally hurt another.

The moment we lose this feeling, the shame of hurting another creature, we have begun our journey into darkness.

Humanity is to know we are interdependent, that what I do to you will be done to me, and the cost will be paid by everyone.

Photo Taken April 25th 2024