In the vacuum of leadership

Nature abhors a vacuum. A vacuum desires to be filled.

Any fill will do, for the vacuum is agnostic. 

This poses both a challenge and an opportunity.

In the vacuum of leadership, the fill can be great leadership or terrible. 

In the vacuum of meaninglessness, the fill is often a facsimile of meaning. Instagram fame. Fake power based on false gods of money.

Into the vacuum of hope, hate, anger and fear.

Once a vacuum is created, there is a natural rush to fill it. This is the order of things.

If we want to fill it with goodness, love, beauty and care, we need to be prepared ahead of time, anticipating the vacuum. 

If we want better leadership, we need to cultivate it, now, well before the vacuum. 

If we desire meaningful contributions, we need to value humanity, life and our future.

There is a timing – Kairos time  beyond the push and pull of the human-made schedule, that is unpredictable. Nature and life have their own gestation, the greater flow of the field that can be both glacial and instantly catastrophic. 

When the vacuum arrives, which it will, let us be ready.

Photo Taken December 24th 2024, Article written December 24th 2024