Let’s talk about profit
Nothing wrong with making a profit. Yet we live in a Molochian world system that places profit as the major aim, designing incentive structures on incentive structures, where profit is the king.
Without realising it, if we stay in this system, this game, we will end up violating what matters most to the gods of profit, including our soul.
Let’s make a profit. AND, let’s have a conversation about the tension between profit and enough.
What is enough profit? Once we have this profit, what happens to any extra profit? Do we keep it, or do we design a place for the surplus profit to be directed?
When we mature our relationship to profit and enough, when we design our system to be unMolochian, from the beginning, we incentivise for something else.
Imagine this.
You aim to make x percentage profit. Anything after this goes to this initiative. Something you and your team feel profoundly invested in – like earth-led education, or creating platforms for all of those ignored and erased to find a voice, or animal care and preservation – and that from the beginning, your intention and desire is to be successful enough to have significant money from your energy, time and commitment to find its way to these initiatives. At the same time, you do not cut corners or exploit on the journey to the after-profit-ceiling initiative.
Or imagine if you commit to doing your work and fulfilling the purpose of your company with such love and care that profit is precessional. The side effect of love.
As we watch those without any ceiling on how much profit they make accept death, genocide and endless poverty as a side effect, an ‘inconsequential’ input on a spreadsheet, we know that the breaking point is close.
Profit is no god. Excessive profit is evil in disguise. Those who suffer the bloat of excessive profit will find that no level of security will keep them safe. Indeed, it is cheaper and more profitable in the end to be kind, generous and fair.
Photo Taken December 10th 2024, Article written December 10th 2024