Navigating between

In one inhale, my anger roils. I want to scream to the depths of my being against the atrocities enacted in my name by my and other Western governments. 

While my rage engulfs, my heart breaks. 

In the next inhale, the well of grief and heartbreak consumes me. The horror of the images. Children shredded. Those remaining, scared to their soul. 

How does peace come from this pool of cruelty, for surely these children surviving will carry the potent seeds of revenge as the reflexive way to assuage their scared being. Maybe some of them may see the futility of revenge, how it generates an endless cycle of hate.

This in-between place, between breaths, between rage and unreconcilable grief. Between the desire to strike out against the cruelty, and the desire to retreat under the covers of my bed, attempting to block out the stories, the horror, the cruelty. To feign ignorance, knowing that we cannot unknow.

That horrid place between disgust, anger and violent judgement against the perpetrators – so close to the edge of becoming a perpetrator myself – and the care, love and quest for justice for all life. 

This is to navigate between. 

It is not an easy path. The emotions on each side are intense. 

I refuse to stand silent witness. My integrity is on the line if I do not speak, write and stand for justice against atrocity.

While the rage powers my action, I must caution its disintegration into hate. 

While I can say with my entire being – killing any child in the name of anything is wrong – nothing justifies the mass killing of children – or the bombing of hospitals and schools – I must hold this tension in the embrace of everything Syntropic.

Sometimes, there is no middle ground. We must hold the principles of all-justice, against violence and cruelty, against the atrocities and genocide, with as much courage and clarity as we can, while refusing to fall into the easier embrace of hardness and hate.

I walk the line. My mornings in the ocean remind me that Syntropy is the greater force. 

Photo Taken September 19th 2024, Article written October 25th 2024