Our life, our existence, is significant to the whole

One of the hardest aspects of being a human is that we cannot avoid being thrown into the crucible to be forged into the shape and character that is required for us to finally be able to stand in our grounded truth. 

Not this, not that.

All the detritus of accumulated but no longer fitting stories of who we are and are not.

The who-ness of our essential being, our unique Pattern Integrity, must be refined.

When we are in the thick of the heat, when the tendrils of fear and uncertainty grip us, when the night is long and chill, this is the time of our greatest risk. 

Do we fold back upon ourselves, take that easy path that offers a half-life, half laughter, half tears….or do we cast our eyes to that horizon that has our purpose etched in stone, even if only to be read through a very hazy mist?

Love of self, of life, of the juicy unpredictability, the magnificent tumult of what it means to be alive….use these as your compass.

Ask for wise counsel, for help from those who have crossed this mighty threshold and made it to the other side.

For on the other side lives a head held high, not in arrogance, but deeply rooted in a knowing that our life, our existence, is significant to the whole. The certainty that all is indeed well at the level of play. This noise, this theatre we are caught in, is but the middle, even the beginning, of the story.

And when we throw our whole being behind our heart body mind, the glorious game moves forward, our feet, our lived experience seeding the future.

Photo taken November 20th 2020