Our own brightness missing

“When a great moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart, and it’s very easy to miss it.” Boris Pasternak

Our culture suggests trumpets, fanfare, red carpets, wow’s!

But the things that offer us what we have been yearning for, knowingly or not, usually arrive unadorned. They slip into a casual conversation. Or they may lie dormant like a seed in drought.

We think we want the bright and shiny. But that is only our own brightness missing.

Our absence doesn’t provide Soul food. Our presence does. To be here. To notice the small, unadorned…to meet what arrives with the heart of a child, curious, open, delighted. 

My love was the curious one….returning time and again to the coffee shop I frequented. Over eight or more months, the simple pleasure of a conversation. The delight of connection, the ease of unified values. 

I had no idea. Until I did. 

Everything that means the world to me arrived like this….left of field to where I was or was not looking.

Photo taken October 12th 2020