Our precious creatures

Yesterday I had the closest of encounters with our beautiful whales. A mother and her babe swam right under me, only a few feet below the surface, the water clear and the light enabling me to see all of her. 

And later, another mother and her babe came up right beside us on our paddle boards. Any closer and we would have been tipped into the water.

What an extraordinary experience. 

For the most part, our precious creatures fill us with awe. 


That gorgeous experience that refuses description other than in art, music or poetry.

Dropping all of our differences of opinion, our projected hate, violence and cruelty, these creatures unify. Mostly. Some immature humans like to kill for trophies or for an old cultural story, imagining in their delusion that doing so makes them appear strong. 

Most of us lose ourselves in the awe. 

We know so little about our creatures – their language, how they communicate with each other, the senses they have that enable them to react and respond. 

And we, also precious creatures, know so little about how we communicate. Consciousness, in all creatures, remains a mystery. Humans numb our receiving and transmitting channels with white noise and technology, denying the possibility of far greater intimacy with all life.

I was gifted the opportunity to get up close with a few whales yesterday. From this near perspective, I wonder how we humans ever fell under the spell of our deluded supremacy. Sure, we can wipe out the entire human race and many creatures within hours. But does that make us superior, or stupid? 

In our demise, other life will survive and thrive. Surely, this is what determines superior intelligence? Not the ability to annihilate.

Photo Taken September 22nd 2024

Here is the full video, unedited. If you watch closely you will see the dark shadow of the whales approaching us.