Terra Incognita doesn’t come with ready made maps

I often hear the comment that what we are holding as the intention to do with Syntropic World is naive, idealistic, too small.

“Let me keep my distance, always, from those 

who think they have the answers.

Let me keep company always with those who say 

“Look!” and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads.” Mary Oliver

It is easy to criticise. Lord knows I have done it way too many times.

What I know is that change begins.

We take that first step. We look to the future, the more beautiful world that we know is possible, and we keep our eyes and hearts focused there while dealing with the now. 

We start small, discreetly. No trumpets or fanfare. Little steps. Resolute. When we need a course correction we take it and learn. And we keep going.

We will not allow those who think they have the answers, the old guard, minds carved in worlds now dying, to throw dust and ridicule on our intention.

We do not have the answers. No one does. Terra Incognita doesn’t come with ready-made maps, a seven-step process.

If you dare, offer possibility. Invite consideration of consequence. Lend a hand.

Otherwise, step back. 

The world is for those who know that to hold the well-being of Earth and all her creatures is not to be ridiculed as an aspiration, but to be supported as the greatest intention to animate action, day in, day out, against all odds.

Photo taken October 7th 2020