That gorgeous flame that is life
One of the current schools of thought is the requirement to have everything exist under some form of scientific method. If we cannot measure it, slice it, reproduce it, explain it using an agreed set of tools and evidence-based structures, then it is discounted as either woo-woo, or not yet fitting the human definition of real.
There are many things for which the scientific method is critical. Building a bridge, flying an aeroplane, injecting a vaccine.
But when we make evidence-based scientific rationalism fundamental to everything, we have reproduced another form or arrogance.
We humans must know everything.
For what reason must we know everything? To dominate? To control? To build an illusion of safety?
I want a life where mystery is revered. Where metaphysical gravity, the weightless, immeasurable forces of love, kindness, compassion….are revered as much.
Where the answers to our existential questions will remain forever unsolvable.
Where the unexplainable but seemingly co-ordinated meeting between my love and I has no location on a scientifically reasoned spreadsheet.
Only when we allow this, when we allow humans to be a part of the complex, often unexplainable mystery, will our arrogance be diminished and we might instead partner with, dance with, bow in reverence to, that gorgeous flame that is life.
Photo taken September 4th 2020