The art of being offensive

If you are not willing to offend people, then perhaps it is better for you to hide under a rock and accept everything that comes your way. If you choose this path, then you have no right to complain. Complaining from the stalls while doing absolutely nothing is to be bankrupt of moral fibre and courage.

Truth offends. 

Power structures rely on people being compliant.

Women who swear, or wear a T-shirt with Fuck Murdoch on it, will offend the status quo. *Thank you, Grace Tame.

In the face of rapidly increasing authoritarianism and the vicious return of patriarchy and white supremacy, our acts of offence need to be in the public arena. They need to cause a whiplash.

If you stand for justice, against terrible injustice, then you will offend. People will hate you. People will want to break you. 

This is the deal you make when silence in the face of oppression is no longer an option.

What we can do is surround ourselves with people who hold us steady against the backlash of hate. 

We can have a cadre of people in close proximity who will challenge our choices, ensuring we stay in integrity.

But if you stay silent in fear of offence, you have capitulated to the status quo. 

Photo February 2nd, Article written February 2nd 2025.