The consummate symbol of a dying patriarchy
Is the sanctioned rapist in the Oval Office.
Why wouldn’t the people of America vote for a rapist? Rape happens every day, has been done for millennia, and rarely are men convicted. Its just normal life. More often the person raped gets blamed, abused and shamed.
The system the rapist represents is extractive, exploitative, raping. People, the creatures, our home planet, all up for raping. Shrug! Business-as-usual.
The rapist symbology speaks to men who have lost their thread of identity. Who are they when they cannot dominate? Who are they when they lose their position as the lead breadwinner? Who are they against women who no longer need them for financial security or baby making?
After thousands of years of clear, clean patriarchy, what is a man?
The symbol taking the Oval Office represents everything lost to men in this uncertain time.
It also represents the system itself. Exploitation. Colonisation. Take whatever you can. Grab her by the pussy. Winner takes all. Don’t be a loser.
It is a dying system.
We must help men find affirming answers to how to be men in a non-patriarchal society.
And we must compost the system itself. Capitalism and human rights and justice are incompatible. You cannot have both co-exist successfully.
Out of the ashes, a new system, new maps models and mindsets. It is time for a Syntropic World.
Photo Taken November 13th 2024, Article written November 14th 2024