The crowded field of the compromised
The boy who cried wolf. We know the fable. It has been told in many ways as a cautionary tale.
Tell enough lies and the moment you tell the truth, no one believes you.
But paradoxically, tell the same lie over and over, and establish enough mass around the lie, and people begin to doubt the truth and believe the lie.
Practised liars know how to game the system. Lying is their currency, their skill.
They do not care for truth or have any interest in what people think about what they say, as long as the lie achieves its purpose of fame and vainglory.
When the institutions the public is supposed to trust hide behind half-truths, obfuscation, and overt deception, it becomes harder to discern truth from lies.
And so the public does not trust a word.
Into this void steps a consummate liar seeking power. Propagating lies. Repeating lies when the evidence is clear it is a lie. Over time, what was clearly a lie is doubted.
The spell is cast. It is an especially powerful spell when the people have been hollowed out of dignity and possibility.
The people are played. We are played.
The greater power is integrity. Syntropy. Love. Truth. But it is a long game.
To act with integrity, to choose integrity every day, especially against the well-laid path where lies profit more in the short term, requires courage and commitment.
Those who choose this path and rail against Little Atrocities, stand out in the crowded field of the compromised.
Photo Taken December 16th 2024, Article written December 16th 2024