The good news

 There is a lot of good news. Regular people, working at the grassroots level, building better.

Making better communities, supporting the broken, and offering a kind hand to the lost.

There are enterprises that set the path to create products and services that will allow a future for all. 

Brave people who stand up against corruption, dominating power, hate and vengeance.

There are people who risk everything to support truth. Their lives, reputation, belonging.

In these weeks of chaos and rogue, when the drama is all prevailing, I am hunting for the good, true and beautiful. I do not have to look far. Syntropic World is one of the gathering places.

I am still firm in my belief that, given the right context and conditions, people are inclined towards good. 

We must create those contexts and conditions where our needs are cared for. Safety. Belonging. Health, age and child care. Dignity. Justice. Rights and responsibilities. Education.

Photo January 30th, Article written January 30th, 2025.